two houses

Disputes over property boundaries can cause significant stress and may potentially strain relationships with neighbours. Understanding the complexities of boundary surveying and being informed about effective dispute resolution methods can save time, money, and prevent further conflicts. Icon Surveyors, specialising in Party Wall Surveying, Boundary Surveying, Building Surveying and Valuation, is committed to providing educational, informative, and helpful content on these very subjects for property owners and investors throughout England and Wales.

Boundary disputes typically arise when there is uncertainty regarding the location of a property’s boundaries, or when the legal description of a property does not match its physical features. These disputes can also stem from other related issues, such as encroachments, rights of way, and easements.

Effective dispute resolution in boundary cases is essential to maintain good relations with neighbours while ensuring that your property rights are protected. Engaging a professional surveyor can make the process less daunting and help you understand the intricacies involved in boundary disputes and their resolution.

This blog post will provide an overview of the significance of boundary surveying, the common types of boundary disputes, and the various ways to resolve disagreements. As disputes can be time-consuming and expensive if not handled efficiently, our goal is to guide property owners through the best course of action tailored to their specific needs.

A Guide to Resolving Boundary Disputes with Expert Surveyors

The Importance of Accurate Boundary Surveying

Boundary surveying plays a vital role in delineating property limits accurately. A well-conducted boundary survey will confirm where your property begins and ends, preventing potential disputes with neighbours and avoiding costly legal battles. Undertaking a boundary survey is particularly crucial when purchasing a property, subdividing land, or planning a construction project. Accurate boundary surveys can help:

1. Establish legally recognised property boundaries

2. Identify and resolve existing encroachments

3. Define any easements or rights of way

4. Determine accurate land measurements for planning projects

Common Types of Boundary Disputes

Boundary disputes may arise for various reasons, and understanding the common causes can help property owners better navigate these disagreements. Some typical boundary dispute scenarios include:

  1. Encroachments: An encroachment occurs when a neighbour’s property feature, such as a fence, building, or garden, extends onto your land. Encroachments can lead to disputes, particularly when they restrict access or affect the property’s value.
  2. Rights of Way: Disputes may arise when an individual’s right to access and cross another person’s land is challenged. These rights of way are typically registered as easements in property records.
  3. Changing Physical Features: Natural changes in a landscape, such as erosion or the shifting of rivers, can alter property boundaries and trigger disputes.
  4. Ambiguous or Outdated Land Records: Vague or outdated legal descriptions in property records may create disputes when discrepancies between physical features and documented boundaries become apparent.

Resolving Boundary Disputes: The Steps to Take

When faced with a boundary dispute, it is important to approach the situation calmly, methodically, and with a view to maintaining good neighbourly relations. The following steps can guide property owners through the resolution process:

1. Assess the Situation: Review your property records, deeds, and any pre-existing surveys. Assess whether there is any clarity to be gleaned from these documents before taking further action.

2. Communicate with Your Neighbour: Open and honest communication with your neighbour can help clear misunderstandings and potentially lead to an amicable resolution. Discuss the dispute calmly and present any relevant evidence you have gathered.

3. Engage a Professional Surveyor: If communication with your neighbour does not resolve the issue, hiring a professional surveyor can provide a clear and unbiased assessment of the boundary. A surveyor will undertake a thorough survey and produce a report with recommended actions based on their findings.

4. Seek Legal Advice: If the dispute remains unresolved, it is advisable to consult a property lawyer who can provide guidance on your legal rights and options.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods

In many cases, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods can be employed to reach an amicable solution in boundary disputes. ADR can save time and money compared to traditional litigation, often leading to more satisfactory outcomes for all parties involved. Common ADR methods include:

  • Mediation: An impartial mediator facilitates communication between the disputing parties to help them reach a mutually agreeable resolution. Mediation can be particularly useful in boundary disputes, preserving good relationships with neighbours.
  • Arbitration: An arbitrator, appointed by both parties, will consider the dispute’s details and make a legally binding decision on how the boundary should be established. The process is generally quicker and less formal than court proceedings.


Resolving boundary disputes need not be a daunting and stressful process if property owners adopt a methodical approach and engage the appropriate professionals for guidance. By understanding the common types of disputes and how to navigate the resolution process, property owners can protect their property rights while maintaining amicable relations with their neighbours.

Icon Surveyors specialises in boundary surveying and can provide expert assistance in resolving disputes throughout England and Wales. With a focus on offering educational, informative, and helpful content, we aim to ensure property owners are well-equipped to handle boundary disputes and make sound decisions in their property matters.

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Icon Surveyors

We are a team of party wall surveying experts based throughout London and the surrounding areas. Here, we share informative property survey blogs created by industry experts.



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