Party Wall Surveyor

Constructing a new building or performing major renovation work on an existing property can disrupt neighbouring properties. This is why the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 was enacted to regulate the process of carrying out work on a shared wall or boundary structure. The Act requires that any property owner who intends to carry out such works must notify their neighbours and obtain their consent to proceed. In this article, we will outline the procedures involved in appointing an agreed party wall surveyor and the benefits of doing so.

The Purpose of the Party Wall Surveyor

The Party Wall Surveyor is a professional appointed to act impartially between two property owners. Their primary role is to ensure that the works to be carried out do not cause any damage to the neighbouring property. In addition, they are responsible for preparing a Party Wall Agreement, which sets out the conditions under which the work will be carried out. This legally binding agreement ensures both parties understand their obligations and responsibilities.

The Process of Appointing an Agreed Party Wall Surveyor

The first step in appointing an agreed party wall surveyor is to inform your neighbour of your intention to work on your property. You must provide them with a notice of the proposed works that outlines the nature of the work, the anticipated start date, and the expected duration. The notice should also include a request for their consent to proceed with the work.

If your neighbour consents to the works, you can appoint an agreed party wall surveyor. This surveyor is jointly appointed by both parties and acts impartially. The surveyor will inspect the properties and prepare a Party Wall Award. This document sets out the conditions under which the work will be carried out and includes a schedule of the conditions of the neighbouring property.

Benefits of Appointing an Agreed Party Wall Surveyor

Appointing an agreed party wall surveyor has several benefits. 

  1. The surveyor acts impartially and ensures both parties understand their obligations and responsibilities. 
  2. The surveyor will inspect the properties and ensure that the work does not cause any damage to the neighbouring property. 
  3. The surveyor will prepare a Party Wall Award that sets out the conditions under which the work will be carried out, including the anticipated start date and duration.

Disputes Arising from Party Wall Works

Despite the best intentions of all parties involved, disputes can still arise from party wall works. If a dispute arises, the parties can appoint a third surveyor to act as arbiter and make a final decision. The third surveyor is appointed by the two agreed surveyors or by the Party Wall Surveyors Association.


Appointing an agreed party wall surveyor is essential in carrying out work on a shared wall or boundary structure. The surveyor acts impartially and ensures both parties understand their obligations and responsibilities. They also prepare a legally binding Party Wall Agreement that sets out the conditions under which the work will be carried out. 

If a dispute arises, the parties can appoint a third surveyor to act as an arbiter and make a final decision. Property owners can ensure that their party wall works are carried out safely and efficiently by following the procedures outlined in this article.

Are you in search of the finest party wall surveyor in London? Reach out to Icon Surveyors now to schedule a consultation and commence your project with the guidance of their team of knowledgeable party wall surveying specialists. For more information, check out our FAQs section.

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