
Surveying property or boundary lines is a crucial process that helps property owners determine their land's exact limits. It is also necessary when buying or selling property, constructing a fence or building, or resolving property disputes.

In the United Kingdom, property surveying is regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and requires the expertise of a professional boundary surveyor. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on surveying property/boundary lines in the UK.

Identifying the Need for a Survey

The first step in surveying property or boundary lines is identifying the need for a survey. This could be due to a variety of reasons, including:

  • Purchasing a new property
  • Selling a property
  • Constructing a new building or fence
  • Settling a boundary dispute with a neighbour
  • Updating property records

Once you have identified the need for a survey, the next step is to hire a professional surveyor.

Hiring a Professional Boundary Surveyor

In the UK, property surveying is a regulated profession that requires the expertise of a professional surveyor. The boundary surveyor should be a member of RICS and have experience in property surveying.

When hiring a surveyor, consider factors such as their reputation, experience, and cost. You can find a qualified surveyor by contacting RICS or searching online.

Preparing for the Survey

Before the surveyor arrives, you should prepare the property by doing the following:

  • Clearing any obstacles or debris that may obstruct the surveyor's view
  • Providing access to all areas of the property, including buildings, fences, and walls
  • Providing any relevant documents, such as property deeds or title plans

The Surveying Process

1. Reviewing Property Deeds and Title Plans

The surveyor will review the property deeds and title plans to understand the legal boundaries of the property. This will help them to determine the starting point for the survey.

2. Conducting a Site Inspection

The surveyor will conduct a site inspection to physically locate the property boundaries. They will use various tools, such as a theodolite or a total station, to take measurements and record data.

3. Preparing a Survey Report

After completing the survey, the surveyor will prepare a report outlining the property boundaries and any discrepancies or issues identified during the survey.

4. Providing Recommendations

Based on the survey findings, the surveyor may provide recommendations on resolving any boundary disputes or issues identified. They may also offer advice on how to maintain or improve the property in the future.


Surveying property or boundary lines is an essential process that helps property owners understand their land's legal boundaries. It is a regulated profession in the UK that requires the expertise of a professional surveyor. By following the steps outlined in this article, property owners can ensure that their property is accurately surveyed and that any issues or disputes are resolved on time.

Work with Icon Surveyors to get in touch with a boundary surveyor who can help you with your property survey needs. Our team of experienced surveyors can provide accurate and reliable surveys to ensure that your property boundaries are clearly defined. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you with your property survey needs.

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